Vault — End of Life Planning

With Myend’s free Vault service you can not only store your passwords but all your digital assets including photos, videos and social media.
Contacts — End of Life Planning

Why is it so important to add your personal contacts to your Myend account? And how can you best make use of this service?
Belongings — End of Life Planning

Find out how important your belonging are for your e-will and how you can use them as assets for your last will with Myend’s end of life plan!
Last Goodbye — End of Life Planning

Sharing a last goodbye message can provide a lot of closure both you and your loved ones. Learn more about Myend’s message service here!
E-will — End of Life Planning

Myend’s e-will is an essential part of our end of life plan. Discover this free and easy to use feature and change the way you plan ahead!
A Myend guide: App VS Desktop

Myend’s newest version comes with many fresh features and improved existing ones! Read here how different the desktop and app versions are!