Personal Contacts

For those you leave behind


The family tree 🌳

Add the people you care for the most in life. They are most likely an important part of your e-will.

With family in your contacts list you can send them a message in the future, and leave them gifts.


All your best friends 🤗

Friends are a big part of life, so naturally you can include them in your e-will. Just add them to Contacts or use the import function.

You can leave them a note, tell them your deepest darkest secrets, or share some of your belongings that would mean something to them.

Farewell messages

Record personal farewell videos

Leaving behind a legacy is also about having the chance to say goodbye. And now you can! Write a message to a contact or leave a personal video message to someone you love and care for.

What are you waiting for?​

Start taking control of your last wishes today