How to Scatter Human Ashes

Photo by Javardh

Scattering ashes is a common way to pay tribute to a loved one who has passed away. There are many things you need to consider when it comes to spreading your loved one’s ashes. Knowing where and how to scatter ashes in a meaningful way is important.

Choose the location where you'll scatter the ashes

Here are a few ideas for how you can spread their ashes:

  • Scattering ashes at the beach is a popular choice for many people. You can spread them along a shoreline, or you can bury them in the sand.

  • Some people prefer to scatter ashes in parks and other public areas where there are no planned activities, such as picnics or festivals. If you choose this option, make sure that you’re not disrupting any scheduled events. After all,  you don’t want to interrupt visitors who are simply trying to enjoy their time at the park.

  • Another way to pay tribute to your loved one is by scattering their ashes in your own backyard garden. Your family may have planted flowers together with your deceased loved one. They may be happy knowing that his/her remains are now part of these beautiful gardens!

Scattering ashes by the ocean

Beaches can be a great place to spread ashes, especially if your loved one loved the ocean. Keep in mind, you’ll likely want to check local regulations first. Additionally, consider whether there will be an urn burial at sea or you’re purchasing a biodegradable urn.

If you want to scatter ashes at the beach, be sure to check local regulations too. Some beaches will allow you to spread ashes if they are in an urn or some other biodegradable container. However, others do not allow any cremation on their grounds. If you don’t want to bury an urn at sea, make sure that beach allows for this type of scattering.

Scattering ashes at a park

Parks can also be a meaningful place to scatter ashes. But just like beaches they may have regulations that you’ll need to follow. You can search online for your state’s park regulations related to scattering ashes. Here are some examples of things you should have a look at first:

  • Check the specific rules about scattering ashes in the park. For example, maybe there are designated areas for scattering ashes.

  • Check if there are any other regulations related to scattering ashes. This could include whether or not the park’s rules allow for biodegradable urns.

Scattering ashes at a home garden

Home gardens can be a wonderful tribute to someone who enjoyed working in their backyard. Or someone who had a favorite garden of their own when they were alive. The benefit of scattering the ashes in your own yard is that it allows you to visit them whenever you’d like.

Scattering ashes at a public spot

But what if you want to scatter the ashes in an area that doesn’t seem right for burial? Maybe you don’t have access to any land but do want your loved ones on display. In that case, consider scattering them at a pubic place where they spent time together. This may also be better than scattering them somewhere alone. After all, public spots are usually busy areas. And some of them might honor your loved one’s memory. The key here is finding an area where families will come together and share memories with each other.

Public spaces are usually the trickiest spots to scatter ashes as many people who find this unhygienic. Make sure you remain respectful of other people’s personal space.

Asking for help

If you are unable to scatter the ashes yourself, ask someone else to do it for you. Ideally, the person who will be scattering them should have a close relationship with your deceased loved one.

If no friend or relative is available, consider asking someone who has a boat or knows the area well. They may also be able to conduct the ceremony. It’s important to do so in a way that honors what the deceased would have wanted and given them peace of mind.

If none of these options seem suitable for any reason, try asking around. Eventually, you will find someone willing to help out with this final act of love and remembrance on behalf of your loved one.

Things to keep in mind regarding how to scatter ashes

If you don’t have a specific place in mind for scattering ashes, it’s a good idea to locate one. Parks and gardens designed specifically for scattering cremation ashes are becoming more common. And even some cemeteries offer areas where families can spread an individual’s cremated remains. If you don’t know if there are designated areas for scattering, you can talk with your funeral director about local options.

When looking at possible locations, keep the following things in mind:

  • Is there enough space to hold the number of people who will be attending?

  • Are there any limitations on what types of items can be left behind or released into the wild? Some spaces restrict certain items (for example, alcohol), so check first! Some others do allow certain items like flowers or food scraps. In that case make sure everyone knows beforehand so they aren’t surprised later.

Final Thoughts

We hope these ideas help you find a place to scatter your loved one’s ashes that feels right for you. If you want to learn more about cremation, you can always check out our Culture Blog. Allow yourself to get inspiration from different funeral practices around the world. And if you’re ready to document your wishes on scattering your ashes, you should consider Myend’s Funeral Plan. Sign up today for free and experience the convenience of a Myend service.

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