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Who can see what you store in your Vaults?

The Vaults are secure boxes that can unlock specific devices or accounts when you’re no longer here, such as your mobile phone, Facebook account or website admin page. With the Myend Vault feature, you can store these keycodes and passwords to help your Legacy Contacts unlock your data, close your accounts or memorialize them.

Who can see what you store in your Vaults?

The only ones who can see information in your Vaults after you die, are your Legacy Contacts and the assigned contacts. Your Legacy Contacts are able to see an overview of your vault. This does not mean the specific account names and passwords, just an overview of the type of account and who they were assigned to. They can also see the passwords or accounts that were assigned to them, in case you have assigned any to them. Other contacts also get access to the accounts or keycodes they were assigned to by you.

When do my contacts get access to my Vaults?

Your Myend account itself can be deactivated by a Legacy Contact. This will be done once you pass away. Once Myend has verified your passing, the Legacy Contacts and assigned contacts will get access to your Vaults. And don’t worry – it’s safe. Security is not just a feature, it’s at the core of Myend.

Last updated: December 14, 2021

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