Residuary Estate: What is it and How to Distribute it
Maybe you’ve started thinking about estate planning after a loved one passed away. What exactly is an inheritance? Who gets it? And how can you use the law to distribute your estate? Those are very common questions when it comes to estate planning. With today’s article we’re focusing on a very specific part of estate […]
What is a No-Contest Clause in a Last Will?
A no-contest clause may protect your will from ill-intended people. But what is a no-contest clause in a will and how can you set up one?
Can Estranged Relatives Contest your Will?
Many of us have family members with a less close relationship, if any. The question here is, can these estranged relatives contest your Will?
Most Common Myths About Estate Planning
Do you need an estate plan even if you don’t have a lot? Surprisingly, yes you do! Let’s discuss the most common myths about estate planning.
What’s an Affidavit and Do you Need One?
You may have heard the term affidavit when it comes to estate planning. But what’s an affidavit and do you need one?
How Can you Help your Executor Before you Die?
Your executor plays a major role in distributing your property according to your wishes. But how can you help your executor before you die?
How Can you Safely Store your Last Will?
If you’ve started preparing your estate plan you may wonder how can you safely store your Last Will. Let’s have a look together!
Tips for LGBTQIA+ Estate Planning
Same-sex marriage is a reality but is it enough to make sure your partner is included? Here are some tips for LGBTQIA+ estate planning.
I’m a New Executor. What now?
You may ask yourself, “I’m a new executor. What now?”. No worries, we are here to answer all your questions and share some tips on top of it.
Disinheriting in your Last Will: Why and How
Writing someone out of our will is a serious decision. This articles discusses the details of disinheriting in your Last Will: why and how.